Merry Christmas + Happy Holiday Baking

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HOW CUTE ARE THOSE SCHNAUZER GINGERBREAD MEN?? My best friend Emily got me that cookie cutter for my birthday three years ago, and I've FINALLY gotten the chance to use it! Oscar approves.

Almost every waking moment has been spent in the DD kitchen this week rolling , cookie-cutting, re-rolling, oven window watching, and tasting "just to make sure they taste good," then realizing at least three have disappeared.  The Christmas dinner dessert table shall overflow with goodies.

If you haven't gotten around to making any cookies, it's not too late to jump in on the fun! Here are some lovely links to some fab recipes:

-The Ultimate Sugar Cookies + Royal Icing

-Classic Gingerbread

-Bacon, Oatmeal, and Raisin Cookies  <---- My new FAVORITE COOKIES.



See ya in 2016.