Field Trip to Chicago!


Whenever I'm home, I make it a point to sit back and appreciate that Chicago, one of the best cities in the world, is just an hour away. And while it is an hour away, and with it thousands of opportunities, I've been there just a handful of times in my entire life. And when we go, we go as tourists; mainly sticking to the downtown area and Navy Pier. That had to change. It just had to change. Luckily, my friend Lafayette, who I've known for close to...TEN (oh wow.) years, just moved down to the Second City, and was nice enough to show me the real Chi-Town. I had a BLAST.

Bon Appetit is one of my favorite magazines, and my reading library has been so backed up that I've only JUST finished the "Travel Issue" from months ago. It was a good thing too, since they wrote a great feature on Chicago that gave me a few ideas of where to go when I went to visit.


First up was P.O.S.H. aka one of those vintage home goods stores that you thought only existed in your dreams. It's located in a swanky part of town with all types of stores that appeal to the hipster in all of us. P.O.S.H. is one part vintage, one part European, and one part etsy-esque all rolled into a beautiful package with a tiny conservatory in the back. Vintage hotel silverware and dinnerware, adorable one-of-a-kind tea towels, milk glass mixing bowls, vintage market baskets,  letter-pressed cards with clever sayings on them, and more fill the many shelves and tables that fill this place. And there is definitely something for every single person that walks in. If you're looking for a unique gift for someone that is fond of quality-made items that you just can't find anymore, try P.O.S.H. I declared that I was not about to leave that store empty-handed under any circumstances (thanks for being patient, L) and walked away with two cute gray plaid dinner plates that were even on SALE.  Lafayette even scored a deal on some awesome vintage maps, so I'd say that it was win-win for all parties involved.


Back in July when I was in New York, Eataly was at the top of my "must-see" list, but there were just too many other things I wanted to do (two pages worth in fact), that we never made it. When I was contemplating where to visit in Chicago, I made SURE that Eataly was on my (much shorter) list. And I have to say it: I was really disappointed. I don't know, maybe I built it up too much, or maybe I was expecting something a little bit more authentic. Mario Batali once described his vision for Eataly as feeling like you've just stepped into a classic Italian piazza, but that's not how I felt. I felt like I was in an upscale food mart. Don't get me wrong, the surroundings were beautiful, and the smells mouth-watering, but it felt too gimmicky for me to really get into it. But don't let this to deter you, go. Decide for yourself. It's worth a visit to form an opinion at LEAST. Bottom line: I'm happy I went, but I don't think I'll go back. I still love you, Mario!


One of the things I really like about Chicago is the architecture. To work up an appetite for lunch, Lafayette and I decided to take a walk around his neighborhood. I love any American city with European roots, and Chicago is no exception. We each picked out at least a dozen houses that we'd love to buy and live in. Someday, right? And another thing I've noticed? People in Chicago are actually....nice. What a concept, right? I think my years spent on the East Coast have hardened me, and I've forgotten my roots. People smile at you for no reason, and it feels so weird to me! In the Midwest, complete strangers talk to you like they've known you for ages. And honestly, when did friendliness become such a bad thing? I need to spend an extended amount of time in the place where everyone says "hello," and the grocery stores are deserted because it's Sunday and the Packers/Bears are on.


I'm getting pretty into Wicker Park, a very trendy neighborhood in Chicago, and I think I have Birchwood Kitchen to blame! Since it was a Saturday, and since we were in a city, the only logical meal to have was brunch (obviously) and Lafayette picked the best place! If you asked me to describe Birchwood Kitchen in one word, that word would be: FRESH. Seriously. I have never tasted anything so pure and from the earth as I did eating those splendid roasted potatoes, and beautiful green salad! I ordered the Breakfast Sandwich, Lafayette ordered the Croque Vert, and each of us grew a little quieter as there really shouldn't be so much talking when you're concentrated on the piece of culinary art and deliciousness that is in front of you. The atmosphere is cozy, modern, and very inviting. The staff is young and friendly, and the food...well, it just couldn't have been better. I plan on making many trips back to this place in the near future.


I had a train to catch in a few hours, but I just can't leave a new place without first checking out a popular bakery, and as soon as Lafayette casually mentioned the word "pie" it was settled. So off we went on the El, full as we were but not so full that we'd ever pass up pie, all the way to Logan Square to Bang Bang Pie Shop. When we walked in, the first thing I noticed was that everyone working behind the counter was a twentysomthing, and every single one of them looked like the coolest kids in Chicago. You want to be them, you want to make pies, you want to eat said pies, you just want to have it all. After reading the menu, and lamenting that the signature pie was already sold out, we decided on the French Silk, which was absolutely no one's consolation prize (PIEze, if you will). The French Silk is a winner, and my new first choice. It's everything that it should be: creamy, smooth, choclately rich without being so overwhelmingly rich that you get a tummy ache. AND THE CRUST. This pie actually brought a lasting smile to my face, for it has been quite a while since a bakery has really blown me away. And the feeling of discovering something new is really one of the best feelings. It was the best ending to a fantastic day trip.


I'll be back, Chicago. You haven't seen the last of me.


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Book Review: Mrs. Lilien's Cocktail Swatchbook

photo I buy a lot of cookbooks. You know this about me already. You know that it's somewhat of an addiction, but I'm proud to say that I've got it somewhat under control. (The bookshelf that I bought to house them all is already looking a bit cramped...)

So, instead of buying more, I decided to take a little breather and dive into the ones I already own. My wallet, which up until now I didn't think could speak, just loudly whispered "Thank You" from my purse. Don't get too comfy, wallet, for there will come a time when I will need to fuel my CA (cookbook addiction. It's a thing) again.

This weekend, my best friend Anna held a cocktail party that was inspired by her recent trip to Peru, and it reminded me of this beyond AWESOME book I found once called Mrs. Lilien's Cocktail Swatchbook. I am obsessed with it, and after this post, you better be too so that we can talk about it together.

It's one part retro, one part boozy, and one part extra colorful, and it's the exact read you need when you want to become your own bartender. Ever wondered exactly what goes into that whiskey sour you always order? This little book's got you covered. (P.S. I'm just curious: when you hear that a cocktail has egg whites in it, what's your reaction? To me, it's fine, it adds a little foam and body. For others, it's all they can talk about.)

There's a drink for every occasion, every taste, and I'd say every budget. And if you really want to cut a corner or two, there's always the option of making your own simple syrup!

I know Christmas is over, but this makes the perfect stocking stuffer. Buy it now, save it, don't forget about it, and you're set for next Christmas. You're welcome.


Happy cocktail mixing!

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I Dream of SOWA

I love flea markets.

Love them.

Love, love, love them.

But I've always been THAT person that goes to many, and never finds anything. Meanwhile, other people are finding all these rare treasures at insanely low prices, and doing it like it's the easiest thing in the world. I love flea markets, but sometimes they just don't love me.

And sometimes they do.

One of the things I love about living in Boston is the big vintage presence. There are tons of thrift stores and consignment shops  to go around. There are also, in the summer (and in some cases, all-year-round) open markets. This past Sunday, I took my second trip to arguably Boston's biggest and busiest open market, SOWA, located in the South End. (A friend told me yesterday that SOWA, stands for South Washington.)

This place has it all: food trucks, handmade craft kiosks, and an entire floor dedicated to vintage clothes, silverware, instruments, furniture, housewares...You name it, it's there. And in any other setting, I might find such a huge selection to be quite daunting and overwhelming, but not at SOWA. At SOWA, you embrace it, own it, and you say "excuse me" a LOT to the millions of people clogging up the aisles like they're the only ones there.

I'm moving into a new apartment soon, which means an entirely new decor that I've planned out. Bearing this in mind, I looked for things that would go well, and BOY DID I SCORE BIG THIS TIME!

DSCN0108 DSCN0109Aren't they great? The picture really doesn't do the clock's color any justice. In person, it's this very brilliant turquoise color. The owner of the shop uses chalkboard paint exclusively on all of his vintage pieces, and adds a little shabby chic flair to each one. When I saw it, I looked at the price, put it down, and said that I would think about it. Then I saw another woman come in, pick it up, then put it down. So what did I do? Yep, that's right, I picked it up and immediately took it to the register. Shopping is a battle til the end, baby.

Also a sucker for scented candles, I bought this as a trial-run for some of the vendor's bigger sizes:

DSCN0111 DSCN0112It smells heavenly, and I love it even more, because buying it means that I have supported a local business.

And I'm all about local business.

All in all, it was a REALLY good day for a lover of flea markets that's usually down on her luck.

And if you're looking for other great markets in the city, my personal favorite is located in Davis, and happens every Sunday from June through October!


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Cozy Little Shop

SUPER in love with this little shop, wherever it is. I imagine it to be something great like  a quaint little coffee shop, or a popular and historic independent bookstore.

It would be so dreamy to spend an afternoon here, don't you think?

And OF COURSE, it would not be this blog if I didn't mention the awesomeness that is the partially exposed brick wall!

{Image via Baby Bambina}