Fall Mornings


Don't you just love Fall? Sure, everything's dying, the chilly wind might be a little much to take first thing in the morning, and you're just creeping closer and closer to snow everywhere, all the time. But I don't mind. I adore sweater weather and sometimes find myself counting down the days in the summer when the heat and humidity (and constant re-applying of sunscreen) makes me a little cranky, and also very, very burned. I've never been one for warm weather. Give me a cool, sunny 70 degrees and we're good. Give me a balmy 90, and we can't talk because I'll be inside hugging an air conditioner like a long lost friend.

Fall means the start of lots of things. When I was a student, it meant going back to school and seeing how people had changed in just three months. It meant going on a Back-to-School shopping spree at Target and pretending you were a contestant on one of those grocery store game shows from the 90s (Fill up the cart! Fill up the cart!). Now, it means the beginning of Holiday Season, and all that comes with it. I'll admit that it is often disconcerting to see Santa Claus in late August, but it's wonderful to see him still greeting me in December. Sure, it might be a little too soon to start playing a holiday record here or there, but one will never get tired of hearing Ella Fitzgerald sing "Sleigh Ride" no matter what time of year it is.

For me, Fall means the door has been opened to the holidays I live for. I don't mind the extra jacket because it means I'm well on the way to spending time with relatives far away, and eating my weight in cookies, cakes, pies, etc. You will never eat enough pumpkin-apple-cinnamon-spice ANYTHING, and that, my friends, is an actual Fall fact of life.

So, bring on the chilly weather! I'll just put on thicker socks.



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