Food 52's Quick Blueberry Jam

Jam1 I think I spoke too soon about Spring. My bad. Historically, when I've made decorations of Spring, and thrown my winter coat into the closet abyss until the next season, that was usually that. I may shiver a bit, but there's usually no turning back. This year, not so much. No sooner had I stopped wearing stockings with my sneakers again that it snowed. Mind you it was a just dusting, but there was snow on the ground again, and a frost in the air that was totally and completely unwanted. Usually I relish in the sound of freshly fallen snow under my boots, but not when those boots were meant to be tucked away in exchange for attractive flats and sandals. Thankfully, it's already melting. Melt faster!

At any rate, despite the fact that I've had to put up with the winter coat for the time being, I've decided to ignore these winter-like conditions where it counts: in my heart. And to that effect, I've continued on in my quest to re-introduce warm weather fruits back into the kitchen any way I can. And I'm still on a blueberry kick. So, this week I've made Food 52's Quick Blueberry Jam. And it was, by all accounts, a real JAM to make....I LIKE PUNS, SUE ME.


Jam has been on my extended To-Make List for several years now, but I hadn't gotten around to doing it, nor did I have all the proper accouterments it takes to effectively get the job done. While I still have long-term plans to fill my life and the lives of my loved ones with all the jams you could possibly imagine, until I have all the tools of the trade, this wonderful and easy quick jam is going to do very nicely in the meantime.

Quick Blueberry Jam Goes Well: on toast, rolls, biscuits, crackers, spoons, fingers, straight out of the pan, etc.etc. etc.

What You'll Need:

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (if using frozen, make sure that they have completely thawed and come to room temperature)
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/16 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (I used upwards of 2 tablespoons, but I like a little bit more lemon with blueberries)
  • 2 tablespoons water


Add all ingredients to a medium-sized pan.

Turn the heat to medium, and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally. As soon as it has come to a boil, turn the heat down to a simmer. The fruit will start to release its juices, and soften.

Cook up to 30 minutes (though I did a few minutes longer). The longer it simmers, the smoother the result at the end.

Store in fridge, and eat within a week.

Note: Because I upped the lemon juice, I also had to adjust the sugar by a few tablespoons, and add a dash more salt. Make sure to alter this to your taste preferences. ABT= Always be tasting. Think it needs a pinch more salt? Go for it! Want a little more acidity? Squeeze it in. It's your jam after all!

SOURCE: Food 52 via Phyllis Grant 

When You're Having a Dinner Party...

photoIt would be wrong of me to ignore the hospitality gene that has been passed down to me from my parents and grandparents. You just can't ignore the need to entertain forever, and I've just decided to give in, once and for all. photo

On Saturday night, Anna made the trek all the way across town to my apartment, for a nice, gluten-free gourmet dinner! To spruce the place up, I stopped by Kabloom in Coolidge Corner for some gorgeous, vibrant carnations. (And Anna brought some GORGEOUS pinkish, purplish tulips that are thriving nicely.)  Since I'm big on black and white dish and tableware, I like to add eye-catching pops of color to the table any way I can.

photoOn the menu? California-style BLTs, with a little twist. Instead of bacon, I used proscuitto. I added avocado. AND, for the piece de resistance, I added basil mayonnaise. Believe me when I say, basil mayonnaise can take any good sandwich to an entirely different level.


Side note: shout out to Crate and Barrel for the super cute plates! I paid $5.95 for each, but it looks like I paid much, much more! (When is it appropriate to call myself a Bargain Princess?)


And for dessert? Flourless Chocolate Cake, with a generous dollop of buttercream frosting in the center.

So...I feel like no matter what I write, it actually won't do this cake proper justice. Never in my life have I made something so decadent, so rich, and yet so pleasantly light and airy. With every spoonful you get that sweet choclately taste, which is complimented by the slightly salted, very creamy buttercream frosting. It's like eating a fudgey brownie, but one that's made from chocolate clouds. I may or may not have had one for lunch today. (I did.)

Summertime means more free time, more of my favorite foods, and more dishes to be made and served. BRING ON THE WARM WEATHER THAT BRINGS ME AND MY FRIENDS TOGETHER.

You HAVE to try this basil mayonnaise recipe from The Kitchn, and of course, the Flourless Chocolate Cake from What's Gaby Cooking. But not in that order...unless that's the kind of food combining you're into.


Happy Tuesday!


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You Need to Visit: The Arnold Arboretum!

photo The weather is finally cooperating (for the most part) in Boston, so this weekend I got the chance to cross another place off my "To Visit" list: The Arnold Arboretum! And because I like to enjoy the beauty of nature with excellent company, I invited my best friend Anna to join me!


Here we are enjoying the sun, and also enjoying the feeling of our skin not burning. Thank you, April weather. You're pleasant at 70 degrees.

photoI could go into lots of details and facts about the Arboretum, but I like to keep it simple: It's a giant museum for trees and natural wildlife. With almost 300 acres of space, The Arnold Arboretum is massive. It's hard to catch everything in one day, and if I were you, I'd leave the main path every once and a while and do some hiking. The views from above are breathtaking, and you never know what you'll find.

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Everywhere we turned there were gorgeous patches of flowers blooming, with such vibrant colors that I was tempted to take some home as a little souvenir. But I wouldn't. Just like you wouldn't try to pluck a Monet off the wall of an art museum, you shouldn't try to take even the tiniest flower from the Arboretum.


When you see things like giant trees and creeks that run for miles, it makes you forget that you're technically still in Boston. Just twenty or so minutes from this total serenity is the hustle and bustle of the city, and yet they feel like two totally different worlds. The only reminders are the occasional sewer grates with "The City of Boston" etched on them.


Something tells me that I won't be able to live in the city forever. The Midwesterner in me, who grew up in the country, feels the need to be back in the woods. I need the quiet, and I miss seeing animals standing inches away from that aren't pigeons and park squirrels. The Arboretum is a fantastic escape, and a terrific way to spend a beautiful spring day. The only thing that would make it better? If you were allowed to picnic!

If you're in Boston, I encourage you to take the short T ride and enjoy another side of Boston. You might just catch me there!

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Happy First Day of Spring!

photoLast week I flew to Nashville to see Oscar and my family, and it was amazing. I needed it, and I also needed the 60+ degree weather. I got so used to the nice weather that now I've refused to accept that the temperature is in the 40s here. I will not switch back to my winter coat, I just won't.


It's officially Springtime, and I'm diving in head first!


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Shopping Wish List

Screen Shot 2014-03-09 at 10.02.48 PM"Jade Green" Hunter Boots // Eaton Shoulder Bag from Madewell // Two-Tone Sunnies from Kate Spade Saturday // Keds Champion Seasonal Solid in "Bright Green" // The A Satchel from Kate Spade Saturday  Guys, I just want it to be spring so badly. On Saturday it was light jacket weather, and now we're back to gray skies. And as someone who is actually quite a fan of snowy winters, I have had enough. This shopping wish list is meant to remind me that there will come a day (hopefully soon) where there won't be a cloud in the sky. And when that day comes, I will be dressed in all kinds of colors.

I can't wait.

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Wallpaper's In!

I've gotten, from more than one source, the exclusive trends for this spring. What's hot? Wallpaper!

Honestly, I was a little surprised. I hope you're thinking what I was thinking: how could something that's literally been around for decades, abandoned and virtually forgotten, be a hot trend now, in 2012? Funny you should mention it. I've done a little research, and here's why wallpaper has made such a triumphant comeback:

1. It can change the entire personality of a room, in a matter of hours (depending on how quickly you work.)

If you're looking for a quick fix or a quick theme without paying a professional painter, wallpaper's a great way to go. A ton of designers have expanded their expertise to wallpaper design, and there's always something for everyone. (Might I recommend Cath Kidston? I love everything she does. One of my dream rooms will be COVERED in her beautiful rose-patterned design.)

2. You won't have to buy a ton of paint every time the sun fades your colors. Wallpaper can last for the long haul!

The longevity of Wallpaper is anywhere between five to seven years. You get your money's worth, and a room that could speak for itself, even without any furniture.

3. It's a lot easier than many think to install!

Wallpaper can be fun! And it's pretty easy to do, once you follow the instructions. You'll get the hang of it, and it's smooth sailing from there.

4. If you start to hate it, just tear it down and start from scratch!

No primer, no different paint colors, no painter's tape. Just a new pattern, some glue, and a plan for another fabulous interior masterpiece!

Happy decorating!